Do you have trouble keeping track of your church members’ personal information? Do you have trouble using a spreadsheet to keep track of which church member gave Tithes & Offerings on which Sunday Morning Service? If so, let me tell you about an online secure application called “ChurchSite.” ChurchSite is an application that was develop by Innovative Solutions & Technology that help churches managed their member’s information.
Why Use ChurchSite?
By using ChurchSite in your church, you will be able manage your member’s information, keep track of members’ tithes and offerings, create an end of the year church member tithes and offering reports, create tax letters for your church members at a push of a button, create visitation reports for your sick and shut-ins and get a high-level view about your members in your church from the dashboard.
ChurchSite is an easy to use, has responsive features and is compatible with all modern browsers.
Standard Subsciption Service
Members List
Managing your church members is easy as 1-2-3 when using ChurchSite™. ChurchSite™ helps you keep your church members information together as well as manage sick and shut in church members with in our application.
Visitation List
ChurchSite™ keeps track of Deaconate memebrs visits by documenting their visits.
Premium Subsciption Service
Tithes and Offerings
ChurchSite helps Churches keep track of members Tithes and Offerings. With Churchsite, you'll be able to report on Church members Tithes and Offerings amounts and give accurate reports on their totals.
Church Family Managment
Churchsite allows your Church members to manage their own family information within ChurchSite. The family member can update their information and their famlies information that is stored in ChurchSite. The family member will be able to see who their families Diaconate members are.
“ The Church is Christ’s witness to the world of a loving savior and His redemptive plan for man. ”
John Paul Warren